If you can't tell from the photo, it's time for story time from me Mio once again. I'm trying to spread out my experiences over several posts instead of one super long one. That way I can take my time since I got sick. I just really hope I didn't catch the bird flu from one of the chickens our friends ride around on, as it turns out I know a lot of Belfs, or it could have been when I got turned into a Leper gnome. Which despite being a leper made me feel super dirty just for being a gnome. Anyway, onto what I'm actually gonna be talking about this time.
So on the same night as the Onyxia run, the raid decided to do ZG as well, cause why not? We can. Anyway, Kiho dropped out of the raid cause he had a bloody dragon head stinking up his bag and I saw Sybol was on, so I invited her to come along. She was low enough in the 60's that she might actually get something she could use. We still had the same tank as last time and I stayed behind for a few more seconds to summon people then headed inside myself. As usual the tank is barreling ahead full speed, I'm trying desperately to keep up and I've lost track of Sybol, who I'm usually super protective of. Now it's not that Sybol can't handle herself, she's a big girl and can take care of herself just fine, I'm just really protective of my squishie healer friends. We get to the first boss and she goes down easy, I think some random squishie glass cannon mage got stomped but I didn't know him and he should have been watching his aggro anyway. I think this is where Syb got a cape she could actually use. If i remember correctly, Kiho told me that these raids were where you got the best loot in the game before the dark portal opened up.

Anyway, we're chugging through, drop a few more bosses, there weren't any other deaths I could see cause no one in my group died and I made sure to check in with Syb every once in a while to make sure she was doing ok. We get to the last boss and great googly moogly was the guy ugly. He looked like he was the offspring of an arrakoa and a wind serpent. He was harder then I expected, a bunch of people died because they weren't prepared, my puppy along with them (he doesn't usually die this much I swear).

Anyway we got done with him and everyone hearths out fast because someone who tried to run out decided to run back to us followed by a group of gators. Anyway, I'm outta here for now, I swear those damn Belfs better take those riding chickens to the vet to make sure I didn't catch anything from them. /sniffle
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