Hi there, Mal here. So, I had been saving up my gold for my epic mount, watching everyone else out-run me in battlegrounds and quests. I've gotta say, watching a level 60 run around on an epic mount they got the moment they hit the minimum level was not so fun...kind of like watching a level 30 run around on their first mount right after I dinged 40. Well, except that with the level 30s on mounts, it was much more frustrating! So anyway, I was running around in Zangarmarsh with my good buddy Ourindar, who was helping me power-quest my way through the zone (nothing like having a glass cannon mage along when you need to deal some crazy damage!) when I mentioned that I really wanted that badass epic wolf I should have already, but that I was way too poor to get it (as in, you need about 600 gold for it, and I had about 200). He asked how much it costs, and I told him. Next thing I know, a trade window opened up on my screen and he handed me 700 gold!!! I was speechless.
Okay, so I'm never speechless. That's what I get for being a natural chatterbox. But I was definitely flabbergasted. I thanked him over and over, and he said he just likes to help out his friends. What a nice guy. :) He opened a portal to Org and went with me to buy my pretty epic wolfie. I chose the dark gray wolf, and I'm already loving the speed!
I had been grinding Frostwolf rep in AV to get a wolf from them, but it was just taking so darn long. I'm not like Mio - I can't just spend all day every day in AV. I don't get what he sees in it! Sorry, but fighting in a battleground where my team tends to field half as many people as the other team and I get my butt handed to me over and over doesn't sound like much fun to me. Granted, I'm near the bottom of the level range for it, but still. Sometimes Mio is a mystery to me. And yet, I can't wait until I make it to his level so we can quest together. All I'll have to do is convince him that questing with another DPS can be fun. C'mon, rogues kick butt!
Friday, October 10, 2008
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