Hey All, Mio here. So I was tearing my hair out trying to get on and was able to finally get online at around 7:30pm, I have never seen Org so full. Hunter's stomping around with Devilsaurs and a couple with Corehounds. But I already knew what I wanted. I respecced 51/10/0, got training, dumped a pet I had in the stable I was going to replace and made my way to dark shore. I was on a quest to get The Kurken. For those of you who don't don't what that is, it is a single mob that is in the back of Stillpine hold in the Dranei starting area. It is the only one in the game that can be tamed with that particular skin. In my opinion it's one of the best looking pets in the game, if not the best looking. So I may my way to dark shore, thinking I can swim out to Azuremyst. No luck. I hearth back to Org and make my way to the ally boat place above Loch Modan. I waitied 10 minutes for that boat. No luck.
I'm starting to get frustrated. I pulled out a map I had that shwed the alliance transport area, apparently theres a boat in Darkshore that goes to Azuremyst /grumble. Ok, so I start, once again, to make my way to Darkshore and to the dock there. Had to run a couple laps around ally gaurds and got an odd look from a dranei or too but it didn't matter, I was on my way to get my puppy. I fially make my way to the cave and hour later and there was a group of people, dang it! And I'm still flagged PvP at this point since I had to run away from gaurds and one of the kills me. I had something to do at this point RL and logged.
I come back and hour later only to find, what the? A line?! That's right people, the ally and horde we're being nice and waiting in line. If anyone tried to tame out of line the animal was shot until they realized they would have to wait.

Now, if you're wondering why most of us are flagged it's because this stupid little gnome rogue decided to gank the puppy every chance he got. One of the horde had an ally disguise they could throw on and found out the guy wanted his friend to go first and then they would leave /sigh fine. We let his dwarf friend go first and then they left. There were other jerks who came. Some of us reported them because there was one Belf in particular that kept us waiting and extra hour just cause he wanted to go first, if he had waited in line we would have been out in half and hour tops. Anyway, after waiting 2 hours, that's right 2 HOURS I finally got my shot at the The Kurken. I was shaking from fear that someone would kill him again but I got him! I gots my new puppy! Ain't he just the cutest thing you ever saw?!
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