Hey all,Mio here and I thought I should share something random with you. Why? Because I can! So Mal ad I have an RL kitty who is probably the most awesome RL cat ever. She is incredibly odd and we love her for it. It dawned on me the other day though that she reminds me very much of what has to be my favorite in game animal npc. That would be Underfoot. Anyone who has played enough Arathi Basin should know about Underfoot and his friend Spike who run around the Blacksmith when the Horde has contol of it. And true to his name, Underfoot really is underfoot when ever you are trying to defend BS, I'm always afraid I'm gonna squash the little thing. My cat is the same way, everytime I'm trying to do housework, carry something heavy or fragile, or are just not paying close enough attention, there she is, right underfoot, meowing for me to stop whatever I'm doing and pay attention to her. Which I try not to do because she is not the queen of the household. Oh, who am I kidding, she is the princess, as hard as both of us try not to spoil her we can't help but give in sometimes. All I have to say is thank Elune that Kainda isn't that difficult or I may never get anything done.
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