So this is my new gorilla, Kimoni, he is AWESOME! I picked him up right after my new puppy, Cerberus. I've been really excited about being a tank or an of tank since I heard it was possible in this patch. I couldn't wait to try Kimoni out. My friend Leet was online so I asked if he wanted to run Blood Furnace with me, he was up for it and he had a warlock with him from another run. So we get a group together It's Leet in the low 60's, a ret paladin and warlock with a succubus in their mid 60's and me with Kimoni and another lock with a Felgaurd at 70. No true tank just a healer and a bunch of DPS and a pet tank. So I get passed lead, start to mark and we go. First group is down in 5 seconds, and I stop marking we just go for it. Things are falling left and right and we are doing the instance at a dead run. Leet only had to stop to drink once and with the new aspect of the viper I didn't have to stop to drink at all. Also Kimoni is so awesome that with him at level 65 I only pulled agro off of him once. Pretty much we nuked everything in sight, we got a tight ball of mobs the Felgaurd and Kimoni held them, the succubus got any that wandered away from the pack and we AOE'd them into oblivion. According to Leet, we completed the entire instance in 22 minutes. We skipped no mobs and killed everything in sight in 22 minutes. That's gotta be some kind of record.
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