Hey everyone, sickly cow Mio here. Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I usually do. I still blame the damn riding chickens for getting me sick. Anyway I know this post is a couple days late but Hallow's End is upon us! I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I've heard stories of the Headless Horseman and the awesome helm I couldn't wear anyway because it's plate. The one thing I've really gotten behind though are the achievements and the titles that come with them, the one the comes with Hallow's End is "the Hallowed". I think the title is sexy and I want it really bad. Because I haven't been feeling well most of my playing has been mindless busy work, I looked up what needed to be done for the acheivments for the title and decided to complete the Trick or Treats of Azeroth. I took me a few hours of really relaxing play but I got it all done. The one difficult part was finding the Lights Hope Chapel or whatever that place is called in the Eastern Plaguelands. I've never really been in there before and Cartographer wasn't working so I had to run around and find the stupid place. Anyway I've been taking down the Horseman everyday, I got the little Squashling pet and now I'm after the cloth helm. Also the other fun stuff is the hourly Trick or Treating, trying to get all the masks and the toothpicks, not to mention the candy you get that make you big and orange, a skeleton or a ghost. The Big orange part is my favorite because making a Tauren even bigger is funny to me. Esspecially when I have a pumpkin on my head.

I love pictures like this but I'm gonna throw another one up for actual size comparison.

So Mal is a full grown Orc, and he just barely makes it to my waist lol. Now for the other extreme, as people who trick or treat often know, you don't always get a treat bag, in fact almost all of yesterday I kept getting tricked!

Gah! I felt like I was gonna be smushed! I was smaller then a gnome! And that's just not right! On the other hand it was funny to run up behind people and scare them. All I have to say is thank Elune Kimoni is so well trained that he didn't stomp me into oblivion. Anyway I think that's enough for now. Hopefully within the week I'll be doing a post adressing what
I feel are the best pets in the game now the patch has happened, but I still need to pick up a few more pets to try at my level and dicuss more with some lower level friends.
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