With some perfect timing, right after I repaired and re-emptied my bags, my old holy priest buddy Leethealer signed on and we started to look for a group for Underbog. We had an easy time finding more DPS, but man, was it hard to find a tank! We saw a level 61 druid looking for group at one point, but figured they were too low so we didn't even bother to ask if they were feral spec. Finally, we found a pally whose spec was ret but wanted to respec to join us and tank. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, right? So we ran Underbog with me at 63, Leet at 62, a level 70 rogue, a level 68 hunter, and the level 63 pally tank(ish). We only died 3 times! /eyeroll. The problem with instancing with some higher levels is they get too cocky and pull a million mobs at once even though our tank and healer aren't as high as them. Oh well, we finally got through. No good drops for me or Leet, but at least we got to start the Underbog/Slave Pens quest to search for some random Cenarion guys.
After Underbog, we met up with Mio to help out some lady in Terokkar Forest. We heard she might be able to give Leet a kick-ass healing staff, and all we had to do was escort her out of a building. You would think that she would be more excited to leave, but she would just mosy her way down the path like it was no big deal while we beat off the elves with big swords who tried to kill us on the way down. But it was worth it, because Leet ended up with the STAFF OF JESUS! Okay, technically it's called the Healer's Staff of the Forest, but doesn't he look spiffy posing for the camera?

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