Hi there, Mal here. I killed the Headless Horseman for the very first time last night, and look what I took from him! My first time and I get to take his horse! Amazing! Somehow he came back to life two more times, and we killed him two more times. I also got to take his ring, but I can't use it for two more levels. But hey, I'm more than satisfied with this gorgeous steed. I never get cool stuff like this! I've gotta say, Mio wants to kill me for getting it, but he'll get over it eventually.
Hallow's End has been half fun, and half a pain in my orc butt. Those zombies running all over the cities of Azeroth have been driving me nuts! I go to withdraw some important stuff from the bank or dump out the contents of my bags, and the bankers are dead. I go to auction off some useless green stuff, and the auctioneers are dead. I sit down outside the inn and stop paying attention for a minute, and I'm dead! What a waste of time.
But, there have been some fun highlights.

I finally got a studly new haircut. That double-ponytail thing I had going with my hair and my beard was just not working for me. At least they finally put a barber in Org so I could take the pumpkin off my head and look presentable for once.

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