Hello everybody, your friendly neighborhood Mio once again. As you may or may not know, the attunements have been removed from the old world raids which means people are doing them all the time now, it's super easy to find a group. So because I haven't been playing very long I decided to join a group that was off to take down the bad mama dragon herself Onyxia. I was super excited. So I join a raid, invited Kiho to come along and we head over to Dustwallow. We have a group of about 30 at this point. This was the kind of run where there isn't really any sort of strategy and it's just kill things. The tank is someone who I've been in a group with before and charges head long in situations without making sure everyone is ready. He's a good tank though, a really good one, so I can forgvie the short comings. Anyway It's at this point that I just start opening fire.

Sadly, something killed my new puppy pretty quick and it was sad. Fortunately though I was able to start my super DPS sequence (which involves bestial wrath) a couple seconds before he died so I was able to get a little more out of it. Anyway, Ony goes down fast enough, less the two minutes if I remember correctly.

Loot gets passed around, and Kiho gets lucky and gets her head which starts a quest. Turns out it's still good for experience once we can get into Northrend. Anyway, I'm not feeling to hot as of late and I may not be questing too much, I'll mostly be trying to complete the achievments to get the title The Hallowed. Never you fear though. I have at least enough material for 3 more posts over the next couple days. Oh, and I told Leet I would mention him in tonight post, Hi Leet! /wave
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