Hello everyone, your friendly neighborhood Mio here. So I used to be a leatherworker and it was something I really enjoyed but once I hit 365 it became almost impossible to level it the final 1o levels. It cost me almost 100g to get it up 1 level and this was just not ok with that. So I dropped leatherworking and picked up herbalism instead. With inscription ontop of alchemy herbs are in high demand, plus I have one of the twins who just started out being the groups inscriber. Ok so I never relly talked about the twins, They're Uzumati (Uzu for short) who's a druid and Caedmon who's a shaman. Caedmon is the inscriber in the family so I help suppliment what he gathers. Right now since he's such a book worm he's a better scribe then gatherer *sigh*. Anyway, back to me. Also I decided to level my unarmed because it seemed like fun. So while I was out gathering or running around Nagrand I would just sick which pet I had with me at the time on something and punch the living bejeezus out of them. I think meat eaters liked it the most because the meat was tenderized when I fed them.
The first day I leveled my herbalism to 150 in about 2 hours. Pretty much I just started punching my way through the barrens. Now when I was a less seasoned hunter there was nothing I loved more then taking on the packs of roaming kodos and stormhides. So I couldn't help but run up and punch a roaming stormhide. It only took a couple punches to knock them out though. It wasn't much of a challenge after a while.

Then after a while I moved onto Stranglethorn because I had gotten too good for the barrens. I realized then that there was a big island off the mainland I hadn't been to yet and GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! There was a giant gorilla out that way!! Even though he couldn't really do much damage I just decided to leave him alone. Though I think he'd be amazing to ride around on.

Anyway, I'm still leveling my herbs but I've stopped punching things cause it got boring after a while. I may just go wail on a clefthoof or two, that should take a while and I won't have to run around. I just hope I get my herb skill up to the max before I leave for Northrend.
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