Hey everyone, you're friendly neighborhood Mio here, I got my first look inside
Karazhan and this is what happens, LOL! I usually try not to make my opening photos so large but you really need to see the detail in this. Ok, so I was just bumming around Nagrand last night with me looking for a Kara run passively. Meaning I was in the Looking for Group channel but not posting since it was late and I didn't think it would actually happen so I was just farming rep with the
Mag'har. All of a sudden I got a whisper asking if I wanted to do a Kara run! All I could say was Hell Yeah! and joined the raid group.
Ok so I had been planning for this for a long time. I went to the bank to empty out bags and grab scrolls. But I had no room left in my bank so and I drop about 100 gold on new bigger bags, replacing smaller ones on me and in the bank and get everything set. Ok so I have tons of everything plus extras incase people didn't bring enough for themselves. So we're waiting for about 20 minutes to get everyone together and get summoned. Someone had vent so I was able to figure out how to get on (I'm new to vent) which made the evening a lot less lonely (Mal was away for the night), and made it 100 times easier to know what to do, since I didn't have to read lots of type.
So we start clearing the mobs in the entry way and all is going well, sure a couple people died....but that's to be expected, at least I expected it as one of our tanks didn't have Omen. We make is to
Midnight and
Attumen and we're waiting for a while, I think we're waiting for the other tank to install vent. It's taking a while and we're starting to get respawns. Ok Crap, we need to start this now. Ok so we decide to just start the fight without the other tank on vent. And with the pull comes 7 of the respawns!! and that is the picture up above. I was able to get a screen shot fast enough before we all wiped, I had a good laugh about it because really it was ridiculous. What was even funnier is that some guys rezzed inside and couldn't get back to the front of the instance so they just sacrificed themselves to midnight so they could get back to the front. One of the people decided to switch to their pally tank who's over geared for Kara which would make everything a lot easier. So take two, wipe out the mobs and make our way to Midnight, and this time no extra mobs. Goes down much better this time. No loot drop for me but I got a badge though.
At this point we lose a healer and need to replace them, we find one that's ungeared but our main healer is so over geared our main tank thinks it should be ok and I listen to what the main tank says. We start clearing mobs and make our way to
Moroes. Something odd happened though, the Stewards killed about 3 or 4 of us, no idea how that happened. So we take on Moroes and we wipe the first time. We come back and we take im down, only 1 or 2 deaths this time. It's late now and we're tired but we're gonna try for one more boss, so it's off to the Maiden we go.
Now I had no idea what to expect with the
Maiden of Virtue, it was also interesting that all the mobs that lead up to her were, well, whores. Something I didn't expect at all but I thought was really funny. So apparently the Maiden is really difficult without a Healadin, which we didn't have. Slowly everyone is getting nuked and we wiped. Oh well, it was almost 2am for me at this point and apparently it was 5am for our main tank yikes! So we call it a night and most of us want to try again later this week either tonight or Friday night. I really hope they want to try tonight as opposed to Friday as I have stuff to do that night until about 1 am. Even though the run was short and all I got out were a few badges I had sooooo much fun and can't wait to go again!