Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leveling my Herb and punchin' out critters

Hello everyone, your friendly neighborhood Mio here. So I used to be a leatherworker and it was something I really enjoyed but once I hit 365 it became almost impossible to level it the final 1o levels. It cost me almost 100g to get it up 1 level and this was just not ok with that. So I dropped leatherworking and picked up herbalism instead. With inscription ontop of alchemy herbs are in high demand, plus I have one of the twins who just started out being the groups inscriber. Ok so I never relly talked about the twins, They're Uzumati (Uzu for short) who's a druid and Caedmon who's a shaman. Caedmon is the inscriber in the family so I help suppliment what he gathers. Right now since he's such a book worm he's a better scribe then gatherer *sigh*. Anyway, back to me. Also I decided to level my unarmed because it seemed like fun. So while I was out gathering or running around Nagrand I would just sick which pet I had with me at the time on something and punch the living bejeezus out of them. I think meat eaters liked it the most because the meat was tenderized when I fed them.

The first day I leveled my herbalism to 150 in about 2 hours. Pretty much I just started punching my way through the barrens. Now when I was a less seasoned hunter there was nothing I loved more then taking on the packs of roaming kodos and stormhides. So I couldn't help but run up and punch a roaming stormhide. It only took a couple punches to knock them out though. It wasn't much of a challenge after a while.
Then after a while I moved onto Stranglethorn because I had gotten too good for the barrens. I realized then that there was a big island off the mainland I hadn't been to yet and GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! There was a giant gorilla out that way!! Even though he couldn't really do much damage I just decided to leave him alone. Though I think he'd be amazing to ride around on.
Anyway, I'm still leveling my herbs but I've stopped punching things cause it got boring after a while. I may just go wail on a clefthoof or two, that should take a while and I won't have to run around. I just hope I get my herb skill up to the max before I leave for Northrend.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My decision on pets

Hey everyone, Mio here and in much better health. I've taken some time while I was sick I took some time to run some tests and crunch some numbers when it comes to pets. I would have done it slightly more in depth but the numbers just spoke for themselves. I've decided that cunning pets just aren't for me. While some of the talents in the cunning tree sound ok the damage is just too reduced for me to take one as a pet. So what I did was setup recount and sent DPS pets at the practice dummy for 20 seconds each. Yay for the handy new timer. Anyway, my 70 cat average around the high 7,000s, my then 69 Core hound averaged around the mid 6,000s, I then respecced him and he jumped to the low 7,000s. Then I took out my 68 Chimera and sent him to attack the dummy, he averages in the low 4,000s. Wow, that was a drastic drop, I then respecced him to do the most DPS he could flat out and he jumped to the high 4,000s. At this point I could see that even with all the buffs with both the boss and him being at low health it just wouldn't do the same kind of damage my ferocity pets were, so I made sure he was well fed and let him go.

Now I had two free slots in my stable and I knew which new pets I wanted to try. I knew I needed a non AOE tank, Kimoni is amazing for multiple mobs but he just doesn't do well for single tragets. I had already decided that I wanted to pick up a bear and a worm. I just hve to say I haven't seen ANYONE other than me for a little while running around with a worm. I can kinda understand that because I'm waiting for Wrath to come out to get a nice pretty fluffy worm. The ones out in Northrend look amazing. Anyway, I sent Kimoni, who's at 69, after the target dummy and he only did about 4,000 damage. This didn't worry me too much becasue 1 tanks don't nessicarily do a lot of damage and B he's an AOE tank, not a single target tank. Anyway, I then sent the Worm I picked up from RFC, level 65, after the dummy and he did damage in the low 5,000 range! I was very impressed. I know most people think they're ugly but I find the worms cute in an ugly sort of way. Next I sent in the bear, now you should know there is a bit of a back story behind the bear.

I've always wanted a bear but with only 3 slots in the stable I didn't have the space, I had Kainda, Reptar (who has been let free back in blades edge) and a free slot to tame pets for skills. Now that I have 5 slots and don't have to train for skills I was gonna get a bear, and not just any bear, but a cute little black bear. The only place to find ones that aren't rare are in Dwarf and Gnome country....well crap. I really wanted the black bear though so I flew over to Kargath and ran back up into Loch Modan and promptly tamed myself a cute little bear. I was trying to think of a name when the perfect one came to mind and I couldn't stop laughing, so I named him Devon. Devon is an RL friend who's a bear so I just couldn't resist. Anyway back to the numbers.

I sent Devon after the dummy and he did just as well as the worm. So I plan on keeping him as well as picking up a new worm once wrath comes out. So my stable is full and I'm happy with my decision, I'm keeping my bear and it'll take another REALLY good pet to replace the worm slot in my stable.

All Hail Hallow's End!

Hi there, Mal here. I killed the Headless Horseman for the very first time last night, and look what I took from him! My first time and I get to take his horse! Amazing! Somehow he came back to life two more times, and we killed him two more times. I also got to take his ring, but I can't use it for two more levels. But hey, I'm more than satisfied with this gorgeous steed. I never get cool stuff like this! I've gotta say, Mio wants to kill me for getting it, but he'll get over it eventually.

Hallow's End has been half fun, and half a pain in my orc butt. Those zombies running all over the cities of Azeroth have been driving me nuts! I go to withdraw some important stuff from the bank or dump out the contents of my bags, and the bankers are dead. I go to auction off some useless green stuff, and the auctioneers are dead. I sit down outside the inn and stop paying attention for a minute, and I'm dead! What a waste of time.

But, there have been some fun highlights.

I finally got a studly new haircut. That double-ponytail thing I had going with my hair and my beard was just not working for me. At least they finally put a barber in Org so I could take the pumpkin off my head and look presentable for once.

I saw my first Devilsaur pet in the Scryers' Bank. You can barely see my ghostly little self down there in front of its right foot. I had gotten eaten by zombies and didn't want to come back to life while they were still taking over Shattrath City, so I was running around as a ghost. The Devilsaur is taller than the chandelier in the bank!

On our way through Underbog, our friend Lashmin died. *tear* Don't worry, the pretty priest Sybol brought him back to life... but in the meantime, there was a silver lining. The way Lash fell, it looked like he died choking on a fish! I don't know why I find this so funny, but I do.

Some kid at the refugee caravan out in Terokkar Forest gave me a remote-controlled Steam Tonk. Woot fun new toy! Who wants to race me??

And now for one last Hallow's End picture...for today, at least. I got transformed into a leper gnome (which meant Mio wouldn't even acknowledge me until I changed back!) and someone put a pumpkin on my head because they didn't like my new haircut. I didn't let that phase me, and played some good defense in Eye of the Storm. Standing here in stealth, I was one bad-ass little punkinhead!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hallow's End is upon us!

Hey everyone, sickly cow Mio here. Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I usually do. I still blame the damn riding chickens for getting me sick. Anyway I know this post is a couple days late but Hallow's End is upon us! I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I've heard stories of the Headless Horseman and the awesome helm I couldn't wear anyway because it's plate. The one thing I've really gotten behind though are the achievements and the titles that come with them, the one the comes with Hallow's End is "the Hallowed". I think the title is sexy and I want it really bad. Because I haven't been feeling well most of my playing has been mindless busy work, I looked up what needed to be done for the acheivments for the title and decided to complete the Trick or Treats of Azeroth. I took me a few hours of really relaxing play but I got it all done. The one difficult part was finding the Lights Hope Chapel or whatever that place is called in the Eastern Plaguelands. I've never really been in there before and Cartographer wasn't working so I had to run around and find the stupid place. Anyway I've been taking down the Horseman everyday, I got the little Squashling pet and now I'm after the cloth helm. Also the other fun stuff is the hourly Trick or Treating, trying to get all the masks and the toothpicks, not to mention the candy you get that make you big and orange, a skeleton or a ghost. The Big orange part is my favorite because making a Tauren even bigger is funny to me. Esspecially when I have a pumpkin on my head.
I love pictures like this but I'm gonna throw another one up for actual size comparison. So Mal is a full grown Orc, and he just barely makes it to my waist lol. Now for the other extreme, as people who trick or treat often know, you don't always get a treat bag, in fact almost all of yesterday I kept getting tricked! Gah! I felt like I was gonna be smushed! I was smaller then a gnome! And that's just not right! On the other hand it was funny to run up behind people and scare them. All I have to say is thank Elune Kimoni is so well trained that he didn't stomp me into oblivion. Anyway I think that's enough for now. Hopefully within the week I'll be doing a post adressing what I feel are the best pets in the game now the patch has happened, but I still need to pick up a few more pets to try at my level and dicuss more with some lower level friends.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Welcome to the jungle

If you can't tell from the photo, it's time for story time from me Mio once again. I'm trying to spread out my experiences over several posts instead of one super long one. That way I can take my time since I got sick. I just really hope I didn't catch the bird flu from one of the chickens our friends ride around on, as it turns out I know a lot of Belfs, or it could have been when I got turned into a Leper gnome. Which despite being a leper made me feel super dirty just for being a gnome. Anyway, onto what I'm actually gonna be talking about this time.

So on the same night as the Onyxia run, the raid decided to do ZG as well, cause why not? We can. Anyway, Kiho dropped out of the raid cause he had a bloody dragon head stinking up his bag and I saw Sybol was on, so I invited her to come along. She was low enough in the 60's that she might actually get something she could use. We still had the same tank as last time and I stayed behind for a few more seconds to summon people then headed inside myself. As usual the tank is barreling ahead full speed, I'm trying desperately to keep up and I've lost track of Sybol, who I'm usually super protective of. Now it's not that Sybol can't handle herself, she's a big girl and can take care of herself just fine, I'm just really protective of my squishie healer friends. We get to the first boss and she goes down easy, I think some random squishie glass cannon mage got stomped but I didn't know him and he should have been watching his aggro anyway. I think this is where Syb got a cape she could actually use. If i remember correctly, Kiho told me that these raids were where you got the best loot in the game before the dark portal opened up.Anyway, we're chugging through, drop a few more bosses, there weren't any other deaths I could see cause no one in my group died and I made sure to check in with Syb every once in a while to make sure she was doing ok. We get to the last boss and great googly moogly was the guy ugly. He looked like he was the offspring of an arrakoa and a wind serpent. He was harder then I expected, a bunch of people died because they weren't prepared, my puppy along with them (he doesn't usually die this much I swear). Anyway we got done with him and everyone hearths out fast because someone who tried to run out decided to run back to us followed by a group of gators. Anyway, I'm outta here for now, I swear those damn Belfs better take those riding chickens to the vet to make sure I didn't catch anything from them. /sniffle

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daaaaang, that's a big mama jamma

Hello everybody, your friendly neighborhood Mio once again. As you may or may not know, the attunements have been removed from the old world raids which means people are doing them all the time now, it's super easy to find a group. So because I haven't been playing very long I decided to join a group that was off to take down the bad mama dragon herself Onyxia. I was super excited. So I join a raid, invited Kiho to come along and we head over to Dustwallow. We have a group of about 30 at this point. This was the kind of run where there isn't really any sort of strategy and it's just kill things. The tank is someone who I've been in a group with before and charges head long in situations without making sure everyone is ready. He's a good tank though, a really good one, so I can forgvie the short comings. Anyway It's at this point that I just start opening fire.
Sadly, something killed my new puppy pretty quick and it was sad. Fortunately though I was able to start my super DPS sequence (which involves bestial wrath) a couple seconds before he died so I was able to get a little more out of it. Anyway, Ony goes down fast enough, less the two minutes if I remember correctly. Loot gets passed around, and Kiho gets lucky and gets her head which starts a quest. Turns out it's still good for experience once we can get into Northrend. Anyway, I'm not feeling to hot as of late and I may not be questing too much, I'll mostly be trying to complete the achievments to get the title The Hallowed. Never you fear though. I have at least enough material for 3 more posts over the next couple days. Oh, and I told Leet I would mention him in tonight post, Hi Leet! /wave

Thursday, October 16, 2008

On your mark, get set, GO!

Hello once again, it's Mio. Man I've been posting a lot lately huh? Well there's a lot to post about with the new patch. Anyway, I has an RL lady type friend who loves to play WoW as well (Yes, there are plenty of real women that play WoW, I have met some and heard others on Vent). She has two 70's and four or five 60's, she's a little crazy like that but it makes her super cool to me. Anyway, we were talking and I mention my 22 minute Blood Furnace run yesterday. She then tells me about running Ramps in 15 minutes!!! She also tells me that her group is WAY over geared and I think she said they were 70's but I may be mistaken. So, since I am a competive bull and all bulls love a good run I wanted to try to beat that time. So I whisper to Leet to see if he wants to do another speed run and try to beat my friends time, of course he's up for it but is with a group in Blood Furnace and will let me know when he's done.

I spend the time doing random quest for the Mag'har, helping people with their Nessingwary quests (They let me have the skinnables YAY SKINNABLES!) when Leet whispers me that he's ready. I have Kimoni with me, I had just recently repaired so I was set and had him summon me. Now, something he told me that I didn't know is that there is a new stopwatch everyone gets, so I start it up and we start killing things at a dead run. Now you should know that I was with Leet at 63 a 65 lock from the other day as well and a 60 and I think another 63, and they wanted the runs for the gear. We didn't start up to par with my friends group so Leet and I decided that breaking 20 would be amazing but we're gonna try for 15 anyway. We're going through and it's obvious we aren't gonna make 15 minutes but 20 is still doable. Kimoni is tanking like a proud and I'm so proud of my new boy /tear and he's pretty much the tank of the group even tough we have a Felgaurd and a ret paladin with a shield. We finish the run at 19 minutes 20 seconds YES!!

The group wants to do another run and I LOVE these speed runs so I'm up for it. The second run goes a bit slower, I dn't know why, but we finish at a respectable 20 minutes 43 seconds. I'm still happy with these times cause this group had some really low level guys and the best part is is that there wasn't a single death, which is a MAJOR accomplishment. I will be doing more of these speed runs as they are sooo much fun, but I will be taking Cerberus on some of these as well as he needs some action. I'm STILL gonna try to break that 15 minute time though.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This has gotta be some kind of record

So this is my new gorilla, Kimoni, he is AWESOME! I picked him up right after my new puppy, Cerberus. I've been really excited about being a tank or an of tank since I heard it was possible in this patch. I couldn't wait to try Kimoni out. My friend Leet was online so I asked if he wanted to run Blood Furnace with me, he was up for it and he had a warlock with him from another run. So we get a group together It's Leet in the low 60's, a ret paladin and warlock with a succubus in their mid 60's and me with Kimoni and another lock with a Felgaurd at 70. No true tank just a healer and a bunch of DPS and a pet tank. So I get passed lead, start to mark and we go. First group is down in 5 seconds, and I stop marking we just go for it. Things are falling left and right and we are doing the instance at a dead run. Leet only had to stop to drink once and with the new aspect of the viper I didn't have to stop to drink at all. Also Kimoni is so awesome that with him at level 65 I only pulled agro off of him once. Pretty much we nuked everything in sight, we got a tight ball of mobs the Felgaurd and Kimoni held them, the succubus got any that wandered away from the pack and we AOE'd them into oblivion. According to Leet, we completed the entire instance in 22 minutes. We skipped no mobs and killed everything in sight in 22 minutes. That's gotta be some kind of record.

I waited two hours for this?! You bet I did!

Hey All, Mio here. So I was tearing my hair out trying to get on and was able to finally get online at around 7:30pm, I have never seen Org so full. Hunter's stomping around with Devilsaurs and a couple with Corehounds. But I already knew what I wanted. I respecced 51/10/0, got training, dumped a pet I had in the stable I was going to replace and made my way to dark shore. I was on a quest to get The Kurken. For those of you who don't don't what that is, it is a single mob that is in the back of Stillpine hold in the Dranei starting area. It is the only one in the game that can be tamed with that particular skin. In my opinion it's one of the best looking pets in the game, if not the best looking. So I may my way to dark shore, thinking I can swim out to Azuremyst. No luck. I hearth back to Org and make my way to the ally boat place above Loch Modan. I waitied 10 minutes for that boat. No luck.

I'm starting to get frustrated. I pulled out a map I had that shwed the alliance transport area, apparently theres a boat in Darkshore that goes to Azuremyst /grumble. Ok, so I start, once again, to make my way to Darkshore and to the dock there. Had to run a couple laps around ally gaurds and got an odd look from a dranei or too but it didn't matter, I was on my way to get my puppy. I fially make my way to the cave and hour later and there was a group of people, dang it! And I'm still flagged PvP at this point since I had to run away from gaurds and one of the kills me. I had something to do at this point RL and logged.

I come back and hour later only to find, what the? A line?! That's right people, the ally and horde we're being nice and waiting in line. If anyone tried to tame out of line the animal was shot until they realized they would have to wait.Now, if you're wondering why most of us are flagged it's because this stupid little gnome rogue decided to gank the puppy every chance he got. One of the horde had an ally disguise they could throw on and found out the guy wanted his friend to go first and then they would leave /sigh fine. We let his dwarf friend go first and then they left. There were other jerks who came. Some of us reported them because there was one Belf in particular that kept us waiting and extra hour just cause he wanted to go first, if he had waited in line we would have been out in half and hour tops. Anyway, after waiting 2 hours, that's right 2 HOURS I finally got my shot at the The Kurken. I was shaking from fear that someone would kill him again but I got him! I gots my new puppy! Ain't he just the cutest thing you ever saw?!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Biting my nails and biding my time

Hey all, Mio here with non existent fingernails, it's currently 1:56 pm Pacific time and I've been trying to log on every 2 minutes to get into the patch. Everything is updated and ready to go. I have plans since I only have 1 hour 15 minutes until I have to leave for a class I can't miss. So for the past few days I've been playing a lowbie and buying out all low level herbs I can in prep for inscription since I could never remember if it was coming out with the patch or with the xpac. But as I've right now I'm trying to plan the path I'm taking around and which new pet I'm gonna grab first (I'm beast master all the way baby) so I'm getting exotics. I know for a fact I'm grabbing a core hound, but not any core hound, the prettiest core hound ever , all I have to say is thank Elune for the level jump you get otherwise I wouldn't put in the work to level this bad boy. Other then that I'm gonna try out a few other tenacity pets like the worm, croclisk and a bear and see which I like best. I know for a fact I'm gonna be grabbing a gorilla for leveling, not sure if I'm gonna be keeping Reptar. I may need to replace him with tanks. The thing I was most exicted about with this patch is I can be a viable tank for some 5 mans or an off tank for others. Anyway as of right now I'm just staring at the clock, biting my nails and pulling my hair out. I MUST get on, wait....why am I talking to you people?! I sould be trying to log in again!

Edit: ARRGH!!! All the realms aren't up yet! apparently the latest they'd be up it 3:00pm which would elave me only 30-45 minutes TOPS to do the things I need!!! /pull hair That's it's I'm staying up all night to play this thing as I have a bbq later and a meeting later tonight. Looks like I'm staying up until 3am.

*pantpantpant* Slow down, crazy tank!

Leet's friend moved into our realm yesterday, so Mio's little sister and Leet's little brother showed him around the local Durotar area yesterday. I (Mal) had to hit the books, so I didn't get to hang out with them. I did bring them some bags and money, though. Gotta help out the little guys, right? All those little siblings are now members of our guild, woot! The leather and the lace will spread all over the Drenden realm, just you watch.

Later on, Mio, Leet, and I decided to run around Slave Pens and see if we could get anything good. Unfortunately, the best thing we got were some unslotted pants for Leet, which weren't even as good as what he was wearing. Oh well. But man, was our tank pushy! He would sit there and watch as Leet drank up to restore mana after a big fight, then the moment he was full o' magic again, the tank would rush in to the next group of Naga while Leet was still sitting there on his butt. I don't know how many times we told him to wait, but did he listen? Of course not. Frankly, do bears ever listen when you tell them to chill? Maybe if he'd stopped moving for a second I would have had a chance to take a picture of our group, but noooooo. Oh well, at least I got to take a break from studying long enough to go on a short adventure. Maybe one of these days I'll get some sexy armor out of it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Staff of Jesus FTW!

Hey, it's Mal. I had quite the productive evening. When I signed on earlier, Lashmin and Syeira were in the middle of a Kara run, so I went to do some homework till they were done. Amazingly, when they finished, they weren't too bleary-eyed to push our way through the quickest Blood Furnace run ever. I think we were done in under half an hour! I got some kick-ass armor, too. The Vest of Vengeance dropped, and I got a Perfectly Balanced Cape as a reward for helping someone out after we finished.

With some perfect timing, right after I repaired and re-emptied my bags, my old holy priest buddy Leethealer signed on and we started to look for a group for Underbog. We had an easy time finding more DPS, but man, was it hard to find a tank! We saw a level 61 druid looking for group at one point, but figured they were too low so we didn't even bother to ask if they were feral spec. Finally, we found a pally whose spec was ret but wanted to respec to join us and tank. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, right? So we ran Underbog with me at 63, Leet at 62, a level 70 rogue, a level 68 hunter, and the level 63 pally tank(ish). We only died 3 times! /eyeroll. The problem with instancing with some higher levels is they get too cocky and pull a million mobs at once even though our tank and healer aren't as high as them. Oh well, we finally got through. No good drops for me or Leet, but at least we got to start the Underbog/Slave Pens quest to search for some random Cenarion guys.

After Underbog, we met up with Mio to help out some lady in Terokkar Forest. We heard she might be able to give Leet a kick-ass healing staff, and all we had to do was escort her out of a building. You would think that she would be more excited to leave, but she would just mosy her way down the path like it was no big deal while we beat off the elves with big swords who tried to kill us on the way down. But it was worth it, because Leet ended up with the STAFF OF JESUS! Okay, technically it's called the Healer's Staff of the Forest, but doesn't he look spiffy posing for the camera?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Epic mount WOOT!

Hi there, Mal here. So, I had been saving up my gold for my epic mount, watching everyone else out-run me in battlegrounds and quests. I've gotta say, watching a level 60 run around on an epic mount they got the moment they hit the minimum level was not so fun...kind of like watching a level 30 run around on their first mount right after I dinged 40. Well, except that with the level 30s on mounts, it was much more frustrating! So anyway, I was running around in Zangarmarsh with my good buddy Ourindar, who was helping me power-quest my way through the zone (nothing like having a glass cannon mage along when you need to deal some crazy damage!) when I mentioned that I really wanted that badass epic wolf I should have already, but that I was way too poor to get it (as in, you need about 600 gold for it, and I had about 200). He asked how much it costs, and I told him. Next thing I know, a trade window opened up on my screen and he handed me 700 gold!!! I was speechless.

Okay, so I'm never speechless. That's what I get for being a natural chatterbox. But I was definitely flabbergasted. I thanked him over and over, and he said he just likes to help out his friends. What a nice guy. :) He opened a portal to Org and went with me to buy my pretty epic wolfie. I chose the dark gray wolf, and I'm already loving the speed!

I had been grinding Frostwolf rep in AV to get a wolf from them, but it was just taking so darn long. I'm not like Mio - I can't just spend all day every day in AV. I don't get what he sees in it! Sorry, but fighting in a battleground where my team tends to field half as many people as the other team and I get my butt handed to me over and over doesn't sound like much fun to me. Granted, I'm near the bottom of the level range for it, but still. Sometimes Mio is a mystery to me. And yet, I can't wait until I make it to his level so we can quest together. All I'll have to do is convince him that questing with another DPS can be fun. C'mon, rogues kick butt!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

First look into Kara

Hey everyone, you're friendly neighborhood Mio here, I got my first look inside Karazhan and this is what happens, LOL! I usually try not to make my opening photos so large but you really need to see the detail in this. Ok, so I was just bumming around Nagrand last night with me looking for a Kara run passively. Meaning I was in the Looking for Group channel but not posting since it was late and I didn't think it would actually happen so I was just farming rep with the Mag'har. All of a sudden I got a whisper asking if I wanted to do a Kara run! All I could say was Hell Yeah! and joined the raid group.

Ok so I had been planning for this for a long time. I went to the bank to empty out bags and grab scrolls. But I had no room left in my bank so and I drop about 100 gold on new bigger bags, replacing smaller ones on me and in the bank and get everything set. Ok so I have tons of everything plus extras incase people didn't bring enough for themselves. So we're waiting for about 20 minutes to get everyone together and get summoned. Someone had vent so I was able to figure out how to get on (I'm new to vent) which made the evening a lot less lonely (Mal was away for the night), and made it 100 times easier to know what to do, since I didn't have to read lots of type.

So we start clearing the mobs in the entry way and all is going well, sure a couple people died....but that's to be expected, at least I expected it as one of our tanks didn't have Omen. We make is to Midnight and Attumen and we're waiting for a while, I think we're waiting for the other tank to install vent. It's taking a while and we're starting to get respawns. Ok Crap, we need to start this now. Ok so we decide to just start the fight without the other tank on vent. And with the pull comes 7 of the respawns!! and that is the picture up above. I was able to get a screen shot fast enough before we all wiped, I had a good laugh about it because really it was ridiculous. What was even funnier is that some guys rezzed inside and couldn't get back to the front of the instance so they just sacrificed themselves to midnight so they could get back to the front. One of the people decided to switch to their pally tank who's over geared for Kara which would make everything a lot easier. So take two, wipe out the mobs and make our way to Midnight, and this time no extra mobs. Goes down much better this time. No loot drop for me but I got a badge though.

At this point we lose a healer and need to replace them, we find one that's ungeared but our main healer is so over geared our main tank thinks it should be ok and I listen to what the main tank says. We start clearing mobs and make our way to Moroes. Something odd happened though, the Stewards killed about 3 or 4 of us, no idea how that happened. So we take on Moroes and we wipe the first time. We come back and we take im down, only 1 or 2 deaths this time. It's late now and we're tired but we're gonna try for one more boss, so it's off to the Maiden we go.

Now I had no idea what to expect with the Maiden of Virtue, it was also interesting that all the mobs that lead up to her were, well, whores. Something I didn't expect at all but I thought was really funny. So apparently the Maiden is really difficult without a Healadin, which we didn't have. Slowly everyone is getting nuked and we wiped. Oh well, it was almost 2am for me at this point and apparently it was 5am for our main tank yikes! So we call it a night and most of us want to try again later this week either tonight or Friday night. I really hope they want to try tonight as opposed to Friday as I have stuff to do that night until about 1 am. Even though the run was short and all I got out were a few badges I had sooooo much fun and can't wait to go again!

Bout Time!

OK, so, looking at the clock it currently....2:09 am. And I just got done with my first look into Kara!! SQUEEEE!!! Anyway, I'm tired, the screen looks blurry even with my glasses on and I need to go to bed. Anyway, there will be a MUCH longer post tomorrow about my experience which had a rather hilarious start. Lets just put it this way, the picture for this post is the before shot. I'll just keep you wondering for a few hours until I post. Thank Elune I don't have anything to do tomorrow until 4 in the afternoon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When you have nothing to write about, write something random

Hey all, Mio once again. So I've been poking Mal with a pointy stick to post again but I think he's put on some thick padding and stop noticing. So I guess you're still stuck with just me for a while. So I've still been trying to get into a Kara run, I've almost made it twice on a LFG PUG but I get beat out everytime on sheer typing speed. As both times I've been in BG's and in the middle of being killed or killing things. So at this point it's something I'm only really gonna try for Kara on the weekends, during the week though I've decided to work on my healer alts (I have many alts), get rep with Org and the Mag'har (I want the mounts), and make LOTS of money through a combination of dailies and running instances. Also, out of the goodness of my heart, I've decided to help people out with their nessingwary quests in Nagrand. Ok, really I have an ultierior motive, skinables, SOOOOO many skinables. Hopefully by the time Wrath comes out I'll have my Leather Working maxxed out.

On with aightly more awesome news I was finally able to reach exalted with Org. Earlier today I realized that I was half way to exalted with Org and why not just go all the way? I figured it would be cool to have a pack of wolf riding mounts on random, and I play enough AV anyway it should be easy. So I decided to go for it. My thing with AV is I always strive to be the first out of the gate, first one to Bal and at the front of the offensive. This time though I was in it to farm rep, which means I had to stay close to the people where I would have to turn in the blood and scraps, this meant I had to play D /sigh. Anyway, i was part way through my first game when I realized that playing D was super easy and I didn't have to chase Allies, they would just throw themselves at us! Before long there was a pile of corpses at our feet, awesome. I realized a long time ago the best thing to collect for farming rep is blood, lots and lots of blood. A 5 pack of blood could get you 75 rep which was quite a bang for your buck PLUS you get the added bonus of possibly summoning the ice lord which is always awesome. Fortunately for me, the first game that I played was a long one where we won by playing defense, I was able to get about 3,000 rep out of that game! The second game after that we won on O and I got about 1,000 off of that game.

After those games I realized another way I heard of for getting rep, and that's to go back to the factions starting zone and do the lowbie quests. Sounds good to me, I'm level 70 and the highest thing I'd have to kill is level 10, I can one shot everything! I'm in. I make my way over to Durotar and do a couple into quests each one took about 5 minutes and got me anywhere from 150-500 rep with both the Darkspear trolls AND Org. Awesome bonus but I had to run around too much for my liking. Back to AV!! I love AV. At this point I'm about 1,500 rep away from exalted, come on, I can do that if I have about 20 minutes. So I went and started playing some hardcore D, usually I'm lazy and and let the Allies come to me but this time I went and hunted them down. It looked like it was going to be an O winning game wether it was them or us and I wanted the rep. I mean I had class to leave for in 30 minutes. About 10 minutes I was 3/4 of the way in and I was looking good but all of a sudden we were swamped by Allies and with 10 of us on D and I didn't know if we were gonna make it or is the people to turn the stuff into were gonna be killed, I start killing everything in sight, pet, gnomes, nelfs, bunnies, if it moved I killed it. We were able to beat them back to frost wolf graveyard and a bit beyond. At this point I looted every body I could find and ran back to the primalist to turn in all the blood I had and DING! Exalted baby!! I spent the rest of the the game on a high. We lost, but that's beside the point. I ran out and got a swift brown wolf to add to my pack. Up next, the trolls and Raptors!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

FIrst trip to the Terrace

Hey everyone, Mio once again with my faithful cat Kainda, here to relate tail of our first trip into Magister's Terrace. So I love running instances, this is the last one that I hadn't done and I had the daily from a day or two ago and figured why not? Let's knock this last one out. So over trade chat I found someone who was looking for DPS and I sent them a message right away and was able to secure a spot for myself. It's the weekend so I wasn't busy,I was freshly repaired and was able to grab a few more arrows and empty out my bags in only a couple minutes. I then headed right over to the Isle of Quel'Danas ready for a fight. I wasn't sure quite what to expect so I grabbed a quick pamphlet on the guys in there, stuffed it in my bag and joined up with the group. Everything went fairly well except I was with a paly tank that needed pretty secure crowd control and I wasn't used to that. He's a paly for Elune's sake, I'm used to never having to cc unless something runs off towards the healer. Anyway, that's beside the point. We got to Selin Fireheart pretty easy, but it was hard to fight his goons in the crowded hallways. The fight with Selin himself was easy because I remember hearing he was kinda like Warlord Kalisomething in The Steamvault, and you need to destroy the crystals and fast when he try to get energy.

After Selin dropped like a sack of potatoes, we started making our way to this ghostie seeming dude that was supposed to be at the end of the next hall. All though he was surrounded by these pesky swarms of mana worms. Fortunately an explosive trap and a volley round was able to take care of them. And all the time we were fighting our way towards the end of the hall Vexallus just stood their, staring at us. I guess he didn't think we'd actually make it that far. Right after we started fighting he starts sending out electricity which fries us all in a manner of seconds and this time we're the ones that drop like a sack of potatoes. Once we get our bodies back I remember that pamphlet that I crammed in my bag and pull it out looking for an information I can on that ghostie. Turns out you get hit by the lightning if you stand too close together, ok, simple enough. Told my team mates about this and we stood further apart, guess what, it worked! Took a little effort and I almost died again but we made it.

At this point we start to make our way to the Priestess, we skip what we can and we fall apart at some points. The actual fight with the Priestess herself was fairly difficult, that tank died but he was battled rezzed. It seemed to me that the Priestess' goons had nothing better to do but pick on a random person and smack em around. We barely made it out of that one because the other hunter and I were setting traps and then others were breaking them and it was general mayhem. We took a minute to recuperate and started heading towards Kael'thas Sunstrider. I don't know about you guys, but the thought of trying to take down Kael after hearing so many things about him made me nervous and excited all at once. I took one last look at my trusty pamphlet, learned about the phoenix's and the anti gravity took a deep breath and headed in.

We start fighting and it's hard, I mean really hard, all of us died that first time, and one of the guys wanted to leave but we convinced him to give it one more try. We're able to get him down below half before most of us die, we're talking about calling it quits and then I realize, wait, the healer is still alive! I tell the guys to stop talking, and to rez and run, the healer is still up we may be able to do it! I start running back all ghostie like and once I cross the threshold of the terrace and end up immediately at the fight with Kael. I get flung into the air and start floating around, firing when I can and swimming away from bubbles, I die again but the others pop in and out doing some damage and then dying. I run in one more time, Kainda has been dead and REALLY upset for a long and I'm just about to die again, the healer is OOM and then dies, I'm sure we're done for, then, it happens. Kael goes down! I had less then 100 health, no mana and that sucker goes down after being super melodramatic. For all that work I get myself a shiny new axe for PvP and this awesome story, but Elune save me I NEVER want to PUG that elf again. I really just need to wait for Syeira and Lashmin to hit 70.

Friday, October 3, 2008

You've registered, right?

So, on a serious non WoW related note, the elections are coming up faster then you realize and you need to register to vote. For some people the last day is tomorrow and then that's it. I know our country has problems and some times it may not seem to get better, but that is even more reason to register to be able to vote and be able to make a difference. I know this is a new blog and I doubt very many people read it as of yet, but, I feel it's my duty as an American to encourage you to care and to register. If you don't want to listen to me listen to these famous actors.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And I shall call you, Underfoot

Hey all,Mio here and I thought I should share something random with you. Why? Because I can! So Mal ad I have an RL kitty who is probably the most awesome RL cat ever. She is incredibly odd and we love her for it. It dawned on me the other day though that she reminds me very much of what has to be my favorite in game animal npc. That would be Underfoot. Anyone who has played enough Arathi Basin should know about Underfoot and his friend Spike who run around the Blacksmith when the Horde has contol of it. And true to his name, Underfoot really is underfoot when ever you are trying to defend BS, I'm always afraid I'm gonna squash the little thing. My cat is the same way, everytime I'm trying to do housework, carry something heavy or fragile, or are just not paying close enough attention, there she is, right underfoot, meowing for me to stop whatever I'm doing and pay attention to her. Which I try not to do because she is not the queen of the household. Oh, who am I kidding, she is the princess, as hard as both of us try not to spoil her we can't help but give in sometimes. All I have to say is thank Elune that Kainda isn't that difficult or I may never get anything done.

Yes, I'm real

Hey everyone, it's me, Mal. Yes, I do exist and I'm not just a figment of Mio's imagination. I'm just the husband with way too many things on my plate. Mio's Brewfest shenanigans have definitely been fun to watch, though! Since it's my people's new year right now, I spent last night at my parents' house to observe the new year while Mio was back at our place. He says he had a great time full of friends and good brew while I was gone, so at least I don't feel too bad about being out of town the night before his birthday.

I've been spending a loooong time in Hellfire Peninsula trying to get up beyond 61. Man, this last home stretch to 70 seems to take forever! Not to mention that questing as a lone rogue is super slow, since I don't have time to get good instance gear, so I take a ton of damage from each mob I encounter. Maybe I should just respec subtlety instead of combat so at least I can kill off these guys faster. I did have some friends to quest with back in the Un'Goro days, but most of them have gone too far beyond me to have any interest in my primitive little Hellfire quests. I remember the day when it only took a handful of quests to advance each level. No longer!

Maybe one of these days I'll convince Mio to come help me power-quest through Zangarmarsh so I can get a little closer to 70 before Lich King comes out and my goal of 70 goes out the window.