Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sorry it's been so long

Hey everybody, it's Caedmon. It's been a long time. Mio has decided to take it easy for a while and has been getting mats for the guilds upcoming start at Naxx. I've been super busy, along with Arat, in this down time and we've been really pushing ahead as you can see! Times have been interesting with many quests into BRD as a group and sometimes with help from a big bad 80.

I don't know if you can see Aerosrogue but he's there on the arm. I kinda feel bad for Moira, but she is a dwarf.....Anyway, I've had my hearth set in Shat for a good long time but I only did it out of convenience, I never went exploring, I would have died. So my first step through the Dark Portal was amazing! Anyway, adventure calls. I'll make sure Arat stops by and tells you want she's been going through. For me, the Cenarian expedition has been nice enough to late me stay here over night in Zangarmarsh as long as I do some chores, like killing Hydras and collecting random plant pieces. See ya later!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Forays into the old dungeons

Lately, Mio and I (Mal, obviously) have been trying our hands at some old world dungeons, along with the help of our good friends Ranoe and Luminaya. Ranoe is surely handy to have around, since he tanks with his big bear face and all, and we know we can always trust Luminaya to heal us no matter the situation. Since we hit level 60 long after our people had made their way into Outlands, Mio and I had never had a chance to fight in any of these dungeons before.

First, we fought that legendary dragon, Onyxia. I knew of other fighters of the Horde who had bested her before, and had heard the tales of her terrible strength, so I braced myself as the four of us snuck into her lair. Little did I know that with the four of us at level 80, she would fall within only a few minutes! I managed to steal one of her teeth and put it on a pendant as a trophy, though these days it's not nearly as powerful as it would have been back in the good old days.

Our next old-world mission was to sneak into Molten Core through Blackrock Depths, so Mio could tame a corehound. He has always loved corehounds, and waited hours and hours to tame the Kurken, that unique corehound in far-away Azuremyst Isle, the first moment he was able to. Unfortunately, he had to let his first corehound go, but he found himself wanting some two-headed companionship once again. This time, instead of the fluffy puppy of doom, he wanted the drooling dog of fire. The giants in Molten Core were surprisingly strong, testing our four level 80 abilities in a dungeon that used to require a team of 40 well-geared fighters, but we found a giant fiery corehound after only a few minutes. Mio brought it to him and worked his magic like only a hunter can. The next thing we knew, the giant dog had shrunk down to pet size and was ready to pant behind Mio and follow him wherever he went. Mio was so proud! He named the corehound Houlihan after Hot Lips Houlihan that he heard about as a child. I don't think the original Houlihan had fire streaming from her mouth, but what do I know?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Dwarf, The Legend

So as I was grabbing supplies in Dal for a raid (that later would just not happen) I saw this giant colorful wasp fly in, and its name caught my eye. I recognized the pet and looked around frantically for its owner. As I looked down there he was, the great hunter legend BigRedKitty. Now I'm the first cow that you could come to for a good game of gnome punting and fun time picking on the shorter inhabitants of Azeroth, but that dwarf is the reason that I've become the hunter I am today. I have nothing but the utmost respect for BRK and would turn on a fellow hordie to protect the legend who has helped form so many hunters, like me, for the better. So of course I had to chase him down to get a photo. Please pardon my fanboydom but come on now IT'S BIGREDKITTY!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hopping through the Garden

Hey everybody! After a long break the cow is back to talk about his favorite things, holidays! Ever since I found out I could get a protodrake out of the deal I've been staying on top of the achievements. I figured why keep my wealth of knowledge to myself? I should share it with everyone! The current holiday is Noble Garden and this cow worked his tail off to get it done in one day. So let the passing of knowledge begin!

Egg gathering: Ok this will be grindtastic and challenge even the most gentle priests to stop themselves from wanting to punch people for stealing their eggs. The best place I have found to farm eggs is Falcon Wing around the fountain. There are some areas where you can stand in place and have three eggs in grabbing range. I highly recommend having auto loot on as it will you able to grab eggs much faster. Also try playing during off peak hours, many more eggs for you and only you.

Chocolate spending: Now unlike other holidays with bad drop rates you can buy items from the holiday vendor. Now I don't recommend doing this with the dress and tux pieces because you need to get them from eggs for the achievements. What I would suggest is besides spending 100 of them on the rabbit, is to spend another 50 on the bouquet of flowers. I opened over 200 eggs and didn't get it so that helped me. I got everything else I needed except for the rabbit and an extra egg (which costs 5 chocolates) to hide in Silvermoon. You will most likely get multiples of all the other clothing.

Run Rabbit Run: The part I had the most difficultly with was laying the egg in Un'goro Crater. I'm not sure if I did it right but I know you can't take any damage in bunny form or you will lose it. I recommend using Tracker Snacks, this way you can run through areas and stay away from beasts that may want to eat you. Also the biggest thing I can recommend is to look for eggs in Bloodhoof until you get the bunny buff, it's makes for the shortest run.

So those are the tips I can give you for the holiday. I was able to knock it all out in a single day with just a bunch of grinding and a few failed bunny hops to Un'goro. You can figure the rest out yourself, good luck! At least you got 4 lucky rabbits feet to help you along.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wrath Gate Adventures

Hello everyone! Did you miss your favorite orc rogue while I was away? (Yes, this is Mal.)

Recently, I was running around and questing with our newest active guildie, Kelindra, as she made her way through Dragonblight. She happened to ask if I had gotten the chance to do the quest line leading up to the Wrath Gate event, and I said that I hadn't. Kel immediately insisted that I had to see it! We promptly finished off the quests that sent us up to the Wrath Gate in northern Dragonblight, where we saw something that changed our world forever.

I couldn't believe it! Just when we thought we had made some progress against the Scourge, Grand Apothecary Putress dropped some vile green plague onto the mass of Alliance and Horde forces, killing everyone in moments. To make things worse, Saurfang the Younger, son of the great Saurfang, was killed in one shot by Arthas. I can't say any more because it quite simply took my breath away! In the aftermath of the slaughter, we were sent to Warsong Hold back in Borean Tundra. I hadn't been back there since I was a mere 72 levels old. When we spoke with Overlord Agmar, he sent us to Undercity, where the battle began. We carried the flags of our people and fought at our warchief's side against the evil who had overtaken the Undead's home city. We were very proud of how well we fought, for not only did we survive, we killed many, many of our enemies. We can only hope that it made a difference.

I have really enjoyed going back to the parts of Northrend that I missed and helping Kel work through all her quests. There was one moment, though, that took me by surprise. We were on top of Wyrmrest Temple, and had just reported on our progress to the officials at the top of the spire. I mounted up onto my gorgeous horse that I stole from the Headless Horseman back during Hallow's End, when I saw tiny Kel leap from the edge with no mount! I panicked and flew down to her, only to see her gliding gracefully down to the ground. I called out to her and she assured me not to worry, since mages have a special ability that lets her jump from any height without getting hurt at all. Well, how was I supposed to know? Rogues can jump off of high places without getting hurt too badly, but there is no way I could have survived that jump. I followed Kel down to the ground on my horse, then gave her a good guilt-trip for making me worry. I neglected to mention that I was jealous and wanted to be able to do it myself!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Love Fools

So a little earlier in the week Sparky and I were talking over a pony keg after a heroic and he was telling me about his old guild. Apparently, in his old guild, they changed their tabard to correspond with the current holiday. I thought this was a fantastic idea! I also thought it might get us more noticed around Dal. So after we sobered up a bit I ran over to the tabard designers in Org and came up with the design for the next few days. Sure it costs gold to change it but it's a fun idea. So if you see use around Azeroth give us a wave. Just wait until the next holiday and see what we can come up with.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bad things will happen

The animals in the sewers are plotting together.....I'm scared....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just too funny to pass up

OK ok I know this isn't the best picture but I only had a few seconds to take it. If you can't quite tell who that is, that's Ingvar, you know, the plunderer, and that's right on the stairs past the furnace room, near the entrance. We killed Ingvar the first time, but then he came back as a zombie and most of us died. The thing is though, our amazing paladin healer and good friend Butters managed to survive. It is only now it dawns on me I know LOTS of paladins. That's beside the point, but she was running for her life towards the entrance and Ingvar hadn't gone back to his place at the top. I got the idea for all of us to chill outside the door until Butters got close then we could run in and kill Ingvar instead of having to start over from the beginning. So that's what we did, once Butters got to the furnace room the rest of us ran back in. We weren't sure Ingvar was still following but then we got knocked on our butts. He ran through the door to the furnace room and we took him down. It was a very special fight haha.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

4 down 1 to go

Hey there everyone, as you should know by now I've been working my butt off getting exalted with all the major cities. Today I got Undercity finished off, I am VERY happy about that. Now I just need to go take, oh 5 or 10 baths to get that rotting smell off of me. Kainda has been the most trouble trying to keep clean, at least she's well trained. The last city is Silvermoon, I have to admit though, as small as those Belfs are though they are kind of frightning. I always feel like they're going to pull my soul out by my nose.

Also I was able to get a great pug for the Vault of Archavon. It was a group of 25 of us including some well known names. There were 2 other hunters which always makes me a little nervous. I work hard to be the best hunter I can but it's difficult to get into enough raids to make sure I get the best gear so when I get into raids I'm praying to the Earth Mother, Elune, anyone who will listen for a drop for me. Fortunately someone was smiling on me today because I got this beautiful chest. Now I just have to give Sparkos or Mal the big sad eyes to cut me some pretty gems for it. Anyway time to go take another bath. I swear I'm never gonna get that rotting smell off....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Elders and Exalted

With the start of another holiday comes many great oppritunities. The lunar fesitval is quickly becoming my new favorite holiday for one reason alone, reputation. That's right, reputation. Every time you honor an elder you gain 75 reputation with all horde factions. This has finally gotten me exalted with the Darkspear Trolls and the first thing I did was buy every raptor available. Ain't he perty? Anyway now I'm going to work on Undercity next. The odd thing is I'm not even exalted with Thunder Bluff but that is gonna happen soon anyway so I don't even have to work at that. Anyway time to ride this baby into the wild blue yonder to finish honoring my elders.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

All heroics, all the time

Hello again, it's me, Malrey. I've been going crazy with the heroics lately, so much so that I've been neglecting, well, everything else. Today I even managed to get myself into my first Obsidian Sanctum run, and awesome rogue (plus other classes, but who cares) gauntlets dropped. I closed my eyes, rolled, and what did I get? 100, baby! I rolled 100 for my first piece of purple gear! HELL YEAH!!! Here's what I got when I traded them in.
Aren't they gorgeous?

Just a little proof that I actually did OS, since it was my very first time:

That's the boss that dropped my gloves. Thanks, big ol' dragon!

After I got my new beautiful gloves, I realized I had 42 emblems of heroism, so I traded in my very last green for a beautiful purple belt - and I no longer feel completely ungeared! I'm now in all blues and two purples.

Soon after I hit 80, I did a long set of quest chains in Icecrown, where I got turned into a blue alien lady. What weird-looking people they are. Well, I was able to actually negotiate a truce between them and the Sons of Hodir - I've never seen such a battle between the sexes. Oh well, at least now they're starting to talk to each other again. I had to go to Thorim, the leader of the Sons of Hodir, and have his armor reforged so he could return to his people and lead him again. I certainly felt small when I stood in front of his throne at the top of an infinitely tall spire.

I was sitting around Dalaran one day, twiddling my thumbs and trying to sell some gems as usual, when I decided to go farm some thorium in Burning Steppes. Little did I know that it would lead to such an adventure. I ran into another rogue, who begged me to join him in running through Blackrock Depths, just to get the achievement. I refused the first three times he asked, but finally agreed to join him. It was actually surprisingly fun! When I ran through BRD as a level 60, I HATED it; but as a level 80, it was definitely a kick to be able to skip all the trash mobs and cut right to the chase. We kept getting lost, but we finally made it to the final boss, Emperor Dagran Thaurissan... and took him down in less than a minute! Just to gloat for a minute, we took turns posing in the emperor's throne.

Now, back to the heroics. I'm sick and tired of questing these days, so I'm ready to do just about anything else. Dailies? What are those?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mio can ride a chicken!!

Things have changed in the world and most not necessarily for better or worse, they have changed for the random. Now, before, my big butt could only fit on a kodo or a wolf. As of today I could ride a chicken if I wanted!! Not that I really want to ride a chicken but I shall fill my stable with them once I'm allowed to buy them. First though, I am very close to be exalted with the Trolls, and I'm looking forward to getting those raptors. The aggravating part is that I did all the quests in Durotar and then Zul'jin, or whatever that place was in the Outland swamp, that would get me rep with them. Unfortunately the quests ran out, so I started up in Ashenvale which has been going well but takes a while for travel. I wish I could I could ride my flyers out here, damn no fly zones, flight paths are trying to create a monopoly, but that's beside the point. I ended up in one of my most hated places in the world, Black Fathoms Deep. Even with me being able to kill everything outside with one shot the dang turtle boss took five shots to kill plus Kimoni smacking on him. I don't care if he's a turtle, how thick is that shell anyway?

Now earlier in the day I realized that many of the instances I had run in my youth didn't count in my achievements, something about not having the right paperwork.... Anyway I ran rage fire chasm again and decided to run BFD to the end. That thing is LONG. All the way down and all the way back, now I have plenty of stamina but it was just exhausting. In Northrend many of the places out there have exits near the back, or at least a shortcut to the front, oh how I wish BFD had one of those. Oh well, least I never have to go in there again. Made me feel claustrophobic...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

See through Hydra!

Hello everyone! This is a very interesting day for me as I've decided to try a new pet. Now I'm not one to try just any pet at a whim as I grow attached to the ones I have. I decided to let go of my puppy cause even though he was cute hes didn't really have his own niche anymore. This beauty though is gonna actually a fairly versatile pet. Instead of making him a straight up tanking pet I made him a PVP batlleground damage pet. Now, what does that mean to me. It means that he is spec'd to do as much damage as a tenacity pet can while mitigating lots of damage. He does 2,000 less damage per 20 seconds then Kainda (that's how I test my pets, every 20 seconds) but this is slightly flawed as it doesn't take bad attitude into account which makes him snap back at anything that attacks him. The big difference is that this guy survives longer. More armor, more stamina, and with blood of the rhino takes more healing. He won't be for arena which is what my wasp is for, but he's still good for out in the world as he is a multiple target tank, so he's gonna be the pet I use to running around while I wait for battlegrounds or for Wintergrasp. He's a cool dude but I don't have a name for him yet, come to think of it, I don't have a name for my wasp either.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

One VERY eventful day

Hello everyone. This is about the time I would like to apologize for the erratic posts and even most of the ones that have gone up have been short. I think this post may make up for it. As the title says, yesterday was a very eventful day. I figured that since I will once again be bust very soon I may as well have a couple days of fun! So the day started with me running four heroics, COS, VH, HOL, UK and Normal Old Kingdom. Yesterday just also happened to be my lucky day. I got two drops that I really needed, the first was the Drake-Mounted Crossbow and the second were the Handgrips of the Savage Emissary. I was so happy I started jumping up and down. I think my hooves smashed a dent in the floor on violet hold. The funniest thing however that happened was in Halls of Lightning. Now if wasn't outright funny but I thought it was worth a photo. Our tank was a druid named Bearfur and he's a good tank that pulled his weight in damage as well. Now for anyone who doesn't know the last boss he has a move that charge it's target with static electricity. Now when he targeted Bearfur it just got funny. I think the picture says it all.

Now all the really random stuff happened later that night. I finally got into a Kara pug and was excited as I had been in before, plus I was doing good damage. We tried the second boss a couple times and things just sorta fell apart but it didn't really bother me much as there were a few of us who ported back to Dalaran and decided to hang out and chat. A couple of them were running laps around the city and I was messing around in the guild bank since Alyxandir was nice enough to donate a lot of money for us to buy a third tab. As I was sorting things out we start talking about ways to get into the ally side of town without getting ported out and stunned. We all run over and immediately start trying to run headlong down the corridor. We could make it most of the way through but we would get ported out and stunned. One of the guys then informed us we can fly around and land on the roof of their building which is exactly what we all did. Anyway we all fly around, one of us fall, another landed on the wrong building, and me and one other guys made it on. It's at this time that I'm really happy I have eagle eye which allows me to look into the distance so I aimed it at the ground and took a look around at what's behind the door.

Now I know some of the readers may be allys but I for one am not so I find this interesting and all I have to say our side of town is better then yours. Oh and for some reason at one point during the night a random Dranei came up and hugged me then ran around in circles around me so I decide to go find him once he run off and decide to have a naked dance party with him.

Then we brought out our exploding race cars and had fun playing with them for a while. After about 20 minutes I hugged him goodbye and then realized it was late enough or actually early enough to start the days cooking quest which was infused mushroom meatloaf. So I run down to the sewers to grab the mushrooms and find a random bottle on the ground. I don't know if it was the sheer exaustion because at that point I had been going for about 12 hours, or maybe it was just the rush from the rest of the night, or maybe it was a combination of both but I picked up the bottle and shoved it in my bag. After I delivered the meatloaf I was running back to the inn and remembered the bottle in my bag so I decided to drink it. And here's what happened.

Fortunately it only lasted for a few seconds since Dalaran is a no fly zone. That when I finally decided to head up to a free bed in the inn and go to sleep. Man I don't know how I was able to do all that but man it was fun.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

L and L RFK run

Hello everyone, time for Caedmon to make another appearance. I know I haven't been around much but that's because I kinda sorta rang up a tab in the bar in lower city and have spent the last little while washing dishes. Anyway, the other lowbies and I from Leather and Lace decided to do an RFK run. We had another shaman with us in the beginning but he was a jerk and left part way through. We spent the rest of the time four manning it. I was the most experienced one there but we did incredibly well. It just took us a little longer to get through.

So we're most of the way through but we get turned around because Tonka, out tank, was trying to get to these guys behind a fence for a warrior quest. We take so long that bad guys start popping up again. We hadn't died at all the entire time but we end up snagging a group of mana draining pigs and we wipe. Anyway we decide to call it a night after that because we'd have to kill everything all over again. I didn't get anything good but everyone else did so I can't be too upset because them being better makes the group better. I hate that place, hopefully next time we do a run it will be Scarlet Monastery.