I reached my nineteenth level just yesterday, after receiving a message from Malrey that healers were desperately needed in Northrend. I headed directly to Warsong Gulch, for I had heard many tales from Miorbhuil and Malrey about their exploits there. I spent part of my time healing others and some of my time carrying the flag myself. It was definitely a learning experience, since it was my first time using my Druid abilities directly against the members of the Alliance. I entered the battleground from Undercity, so when the fight finished and I left the Gulch in triumph, I was in the war room in Undercity. I heard a loud boom and looked up to find that I was staring into the eyes of a dwarf with a huge shield. The next thing I knew, I had been struck down where I stood and an enormous mob of Alliance scum attacked Lady Sylvanas and her consorts. In the image below you can see my crumped body and the glow of the Alliance attacks against the great queen of Undercity.

I resurrected myself at the nearby Spirit Healer, since I knew that my puny level 19 skills would never stand up to a full-on Alliance raid. After I repaired my gear and dusted off my dignity, I emptied my bags and asked a member of our Leather and Lace guild, Alyxandir, if he would accompany me through the Wailing Caverns. He graciously said that he would, then proceeded to show the serpents, crocolisks, and evil Druids of the caverns exactly what a level 80 paladin can do. I replaced nearly all of my armor by taking it off of the foes killed by Alyxandir. The most breathtaking pieces of my new armor were the Serpent's Shoulders, Glowing Lizardscale Cloak, and especially the Armor of the Fang. As well as the Armor of the Fang, I also won the Leggings of the Fang and the Foodpads of the Fang, increasing the bonus that I get from the partial set of gear! This is the first time that I have had armor that was meant to go together, so I am looking forward to seeing how it will improve my abilities in combat.
This will all help me greatly as I make my way into a new region now that I have nearly mastered the Barrens. I have not yet decided which path I will take, whether it be to the Stonetalon Mountains or Ashenvale, but I hope that the path will become clear before long.
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