You're probably wondering, what happened to Mal? I thought this blog was called "Mio and Mal," but all I see is Mio. Well I, Mal, have finally finished all my big projects for school (let's just call it rogue training) and am finally able to jump back into Northrend. I've been questing around Dragonblight these days, running instances when I can.
I ran through Utgarde Keep today, and this time I only died once against Ingvar (as opposed to the many times I died my first time through). It was nice to feel like I knew what I was doing!

I was hanging out in Warsong Hold the other day, and guess what happened? I took the elevator downstairs from the flight master, and the next thing I knew, I was hanging in midair! What the... Did one of those weird magic types cast something on me to make me fly? Not cool! I couldn't go up or down until the elevator came back to get me. Of course, my buddy Aero was sitting there laughing at me the whole time. It was probably him who did it. You know those warlocks, they enjoy other people's pain.

A while back (bear with me, I haven't been around much lately), I was questing in the snow with an old friend Kiho. It was the first time we had done anything together since arriving in Northrend, and now I remember why! We had been asked to release a bunch of ravenous rats on the bodies of every person we killed, so they could pick the bodies clean. Yuck! I know it doesn't look like it because of the havoc I wreak on the enemies unfortunate enough to be a victim of my stealth, but I'm a mild-mannered kind of guy and I'm not much into blood and guts. Kiho, on the other hand... well, let's just say that it's a good thing I'm not undead. He not only sic'ed the rats on the bodies, but he joined them in the feast! Blech!
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