I finally got my epic flying mount, I save up for a long time for it. I even got one with purple armor too match the guild tabard. It took me a long time to save up for it, mainly because I did leather working for most of my leveling. When it got to the last few levels it was taking me hundred of gold just to raise it one level. I realized I could make tons of gold by selling all the stupid mats instead of spending several hundred gold that I might be able to sell for 100. So I decided to drop leather working and switched to herbalism. It's taken me a while to level it up, since I decided to focus on getting to 80, but I've been easily distracted these past couple days so I decided to take a break from questing and level up my herb, and of all things, start doing Netherwing quests.

I know you might think I'm nuts for doing Netherwing quests now but I actually figured now would be the best time. Everyone is in Northrend and Outland is filled with only Death Knights who leave the second they hit 68, so Netherwing Ledge was completely empty except for me. I was able to find 3 eggs within about 20 minutes. Once I knew what I was looking for that is. Anyway after finishing those quests I ran around azeroth a bit to get my herb up to 300 and then went to Hellfire. I have to say that leveling herb when you have an epic flyer makes life so much easier. As i was flying over Hellfire I spotted a Felreaver, the bane of every level 60's existence.

I figured I was 78 now, with a 78 tanking pet, I can solo one. So, I did! And it went down like a sack of dung. I have to admit it was an amazing feeling. Well I'm gonna crank out the last level before I finish leveling my herb. Maybe I'll go back to leather working some day, but not until I get a mammoth.
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