Heck yeah, 80 baby! It's been a really interesting trip so far and there is still a long way to go. Now it's time to start focusing on other things. I need to work on faction rep with the Oracles and the Wyrmrest Accord. I want the two mounts from them. Oh I got really lucky the other day and got the Reins of the White Polar Bear in my bag of Hyldnir Spoils. I don't know what I'm gonna name him yet, also a weird thing is he seems to be smaller then other bears, he's awesome anyway though.

Speaking of mounts, I saw one today that I have never seen before. The Reins of the Raven Lord. I'd only ever heard of it and knew it was incredibly difficult to come by, as I beileve it's only available from a boss fight during a druids swift flight training. Sadly however it was being ridden by a human. Dang alliance having the cool things.

Also since I turned 80 I've been able to travel more and enjoy some of the more fun and less well know events in Northrend. While hanging out with some of the Oracles in the Basin, they showed me a cool sport that they having been doing for years. Since I've made friends witht them they decided to let me have a go. So I'm proud to announce the introduction of Northrends newest extreme sport Crocolisk surfing!

I guess that's enough for now. You'll be hearing from me a lot more in the upcoming weeks as I'll have a lot more free time for exploring and adventures.
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