Now all the really random stuff happened later that night. I finally got into a Kara pug and was excited as I had been in before, plus I was doing good damage. We tried the second boss a couple times and things just sorta fell apart but it didn't really bother me much as there were a few of us who ported back to Dalaran and decided to hang out and chat. A couple of them were running laps around the city and I was messing around in the guild bank since Alyxandir was nice enough to donate a lot of money for us to buy a third tab. As I was sorting things out we start talking about ways to get into the ally side of town without getting ported out and stunned. We all run over and immediately start trying to run headlong down the corridor. We could make it most of the way through but we would get ported out and stunned. One of the guys then informed us we can fly around and land on the roof of their building which is exactly what we all did. Anyway we all fly around, one of us fall, another landed on the wrong building, and me and one other guys made it on. It's at this time that I'm really happy I have eagle eye which allows me to look into the distance so I aimed it at the ground and took a look around at what's behind the door.

Now I know some of the readers may be allys but I for one am not so I find this interesting and all I have to say our side of town is better then yours. Oh and for some reason at one point during the night a random Dranei came up and hugged me then ran around in circles around me so I decide to go find him once he run off and decide to have a naked dance party with him.

Then we brought out our exploding race cars and had fun playing with them for a while. After about 20 minutes I hugged him goodbye and then realized it was late enough or actually early enough to start the days cooking quest which was infused mushroom meatloaf. So I run down to the sewers to grab the mushrooms and find a random bottle on the ground. I don't know if it was the sheer exaustion because at that point I had been going for about 12 hours, or maybe it was just the rush from the rest of the night, or maybe it was a combination of both but I picked up the bottle and shoved it in my bag. After I delivered the meatloaf I was running back to the inn and remembered the bottle in my bag so I decided to drink it. And here's what happened.

Fortunately it only lasted for a few seconds since Dalaran is a no fly zone. That when I finally decided to head up to a free bed in the inn and go to sleep. Man I don't know how I was able to do all that but man it was fun.
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