Hello again, it's me, Malrey. I've been going crazy with the heroics lately, so much so that I've been neglecting, well, everything else. Today I even managed to get myself into my first Obsidian Sanctum run, and awesome rogue (plus other classes, but who cares) gauntlets dropped. I closed my eyes, rolled, and what did I get? 100, baby! I rolled 100 for my first piece of purple gear! HELL YEAH!!! Here's what I got when I traded them in.
Aren't they gorgeous?
Just a little proof that I actually did OS, since it was my very first time:

That's the boss that dropped my gloves. Thanks, big ol' dragon!
After I got my new beautiful gloves, I realized I had 42 emblems of heroism, so I traded in my very last green for a beautiful purple belt - and I no longer feel completely ungeared! I'm now in all blues and two purples.

Soon after I hit 80, I did a long set of quest chains in Icecrown, where I got turned into a blue alien lady. What weird-looking people they are. Well, I was able to actually negotiate a truce between them and the Sons of Hodir - I've never seen such a battle between the sexes. Oh well, at least now they're starting to talk to each other again. I had to go to Thorim, the leader of the Sons of Hodir, and have his armor reforged so he could return to his people and lead him again. I certainly felt small when I stood in front of his throne at the top of an infinitely tall spire.

I was sitting around Dalaran one day, twiddling my thumbs and trying to sell some gems as usual, when I decided to go farm some thorium in Burning Steppes. Little did I know that it would lead to such an adventure. I ran into another rogue, who begged me to join him in running through Blackrock Depths, just to get the achievement. I refused the first three times he asked, but finally agreed to join him. It was actually surprisingly fun! When I ran through BRD as a level 60, I HATED it; but as a level 80, it was definitely a kick to be able to skip all the trash mobs and cut right to the chase. We kept getting lost, but we finally made it to the final boss, Emperor Dagran Thaurissan... and took him down in less than a minute! Just to gloat for a minute, we took turns posing in the emperor's throne.
Now, back to the heroics. I'm sick and tired of questing these days, so I'm ready to do just about anything else. Dailies? What are those?
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