Hey there everyone, as you should know by now I've been working my butt off getting exalted with all the major cities. Today I got Undercity finished off, I am VERY happy about that. Now I just need to go take, oh 5 or 10 baths to get that rotting smell off of me. Kainda has been the most trouble trying to keep clean, at least she's well trained. The last city is Silvermoon, I have to admit though, as small as those Belfs are though they are kind of frightning. I always feel like they're going to pull my soul out by my nose.
Also I was able to get a great pug for the Vault of Archavon. It was a group of 25 of us including some well known names. There were 2 other hunters which always makes me a little nervous. I work hard to be the best hunter I can but it's difficult to get into enough raids to make sure I get the best gear so when I get into raids I'm praying to the Earth Mother, Elune, anyone who will listen for a drop for me. Fortunately someone was smiling on me today because I got this beautiful chest.

Now I just have to give Sparkos or Mal the big sad eyes to cut me some pretty gems for it. Anyway time to go take another bath. I swear I'm never gonna get that rotting smell off....
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