Hello everyone! Did you miss your favorite orc rogue while I was away? (Yes, this is Mal.)
Recently, I was running around and questing with our newest active guildie, Kelindra, as she made her way through Dragonblight. She happened to ask if I had gotten the chance to do the quest line leading up to the Wrath Gate event, and I said that I hadn't. Kel immediately insisted that I had to see it! We promptly finished off the quests that sent us up to the Wrath Gate in northern Dragonblight, where we saw something that changed our world forever.

I couldn't believe it! Just when we thought we had made some progress against the Scourge, Grand Apothecary Putress dropped some vile green plague onto the mass of Alliance and Horde forces, killing everyone in moments. To make things worse, Saurfang the Younger, son of the great Saurfang, was killed in one shot by Arthas. I can't say any more because it quite simply took my breath away! In the aftermath of the slaughter, we were sent to Warsong Hold back in Borean Tundra. I hadn't been back there since I was a mere 72 levels old. When we spoke with Overlord Agmar, he sent us to Undercity, where the battle began. We carried the flags of our people and fought at our warchief's side against the evil who had overtaken the Undead's home city. We were very proud of how well we fought, for not only did we survive, we killed many, many of our enemies. We can only hope that it made a difference.
I have really enjoyed going back to the parts of Northrend that I missed and helping Kel work through all her quests. There was one moment, though, that took me by surprise. We were on top of Wyrmrest Temple, and had just reported on our progress to the officials at the top of the spire.

I mounted up onto my gorgeous horse that I stole from the Headless Horseman back during Hallow's End, when I saw tiny Kel leap from the edge with no mount! I panicked and flew down to her, only to see her gliding gracefully down to the ground. I called out to her and she assured me not to worry, since mages have a special ability that lets her jump from any height without getting hurt at all. Well, how was I supposed to know? Rogues can jump off of high places without getting hurt too badly, but there is no way I could have survived that jump. I followed Kel down to the ground on my horse, then gave her a good guilt-trip for making me worry. I neglected to mention that I was jealous and wanted to be able to do it myself!