Hey everybody, it's Caedmon. It's been a long time. Mio has decided to take it easy for a while and has been getting mats for the guilds upcoming start at Naxx. I've been super busy, along with Arat, in this down time and we've been really pushing ahead as you can see! Times have been interesting with many quests into BRD as a group and sometimes with help from a big bad 80.

I don't know if you can see Aerosrogue but he's there on the arm. I kinda feel bad for Moira, but she is a dwarf.....Anyway, I've had my hearth set in Shat for a good long time but I only did it out of convenience, I never went exploring, I would have died. So my first step through the Dark Portal was amazing! Anyway, adventure calls. I'll make sure Arat stops by and tells you want she's been going through. For me, the Cenarian expedition has been nice enough to late me stay here over night in Zangarmarsh as long as I do some chores, like killing Hydras and collecting random plant pieces. See ya later!
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