Egg gathering: Ok this will be grindtastic and challenge even the most gentle priests to stop themselves from wanting to punch people for stealing their eggs. The best place I have found to farm eggs is Falcon Wing around the fountain. There are some areas where you can stand in place and have three eggs in grabbing range. I highly recommend having auto loot on as it will you able to grab eggs much faster. Also try playing during off peak hours, many more eggs for you and only you.
Chocolate spending: Now unlike other holidays with bad drop rates you can buy items from the holiday vendor. Now I don't recommend doing this with the dress and tux pieces because you need to get them from eggs for the achievements. What I would suggest is besides spending 100 of them on the rabbit, is to spend another 50 on the bouquet of flowers. I opened over 200 eggs and didn't get it so that helped me. I got everything else I needed except for the rabbit and an extra egg (which costs 5 chocolates) to hide in Silvermoon. You will most likely get multiples of all the other clothing.
Run Rabbit Run: The part I had the most difficultly with was laying the egg in Un'goro Crater. I'm not sure if I did it right but I know you can't take any damage in bunny form or you will lose it. I recommend using Tracker Snacks, this way you can run through areas and stay away from beasts that may want to eat you. Also the biggest thing I can recommend is to look for eggs in Bloodhoof until you get the bunny buff, it's makes for the shortest run.
So those are the tips I can give you for the holiday. I was able to knock it all out in a single day with just a bunch of grinding and a few failed bunny hops to Un'goro. You can figure the rest out yourself, good luck! At least you got 4 lucky rabbits feet to help you along.
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