Greetings one and all, Mio once again. Sorry I've been slacking off a bit but RL things have gotten in the way but now I'm in the clear for a while. Except that I'll be taking a break for the weekend so I'll make sure Mal throws something on here to keep you all entertained. Anyway, Leather and Lace, the guild Mal and I run, is a VERY small guild. There are less then 10 of us who active, so it's very difficult for a hunter like me to find a PUG for a raid other then Kara. I was lucky enough the other night to be able to get into a group to that wanted to take down Gruul. I was all for this as I need better gear so I don't have replace stuff once I get to Northrend and it's easier for me to survive. Anyway, this is another time when vent is very useful. I beileve anything over a 5 person group needs to be able to communicate quickly, and talking works so much better.
Anyway we clear the first room fairly easily, well, about half of us died but it was easy for me because I kept misdirecting onto the tank and feigning death when needed. Haha sometimes it's REALLY good being a hunter. Anyway, once the first big boy drops it turns out he has 3 of the same T4 shoulders on him that I could use! Fortunately I got the second highest roll so I got a pair! I'm trying to build a PvE set for Northrend. Yeah yeah, I know I'm going to have to replace a lot of it soon, but it'll be a few levels so I still think it's good. Anyway Gruul goes down fairly easily as well, this is when I'm glad I'm ranged so I don't have to be in melee range off his ticked off butt. I don't get anything off the second roll but that's fine cause I'm happy with my shoulders. I thought we were done, but most of us want to go do Mags, I'm super excited, two raids I've never done before in one night!

Wow that guy was ugly, it's nice to finally be able to try to take him down though. So annoying, all that yelling I can hear him from Blood Furnace. Anyway, no one there knew how to click properly so I volunteered. I decided to sacrifice my DPS and damage for the team, which is hard for me to do since I'm trying to build a reputation as a good hunter here darn it. Anyway I took my position in that back and had to stare at Mags butt the entire time, lovely....Well we wiped the first time and about 4 or 5 people bailed, I guess they just expected epics to fall from the sky with no work. It takes us about 10 minutes to fill the spaces since I think it was mostly DPS that left.

I took up position again right behind Mags again and this time everything went well. We were clicking masters! Personally I just think it's kind of weird that Mags is being held in place by Rubicks cubes, but hey, whatever works. I don't think we lost too many people and there was a drop I could have used but didn't get. I was just relly happy I got not one run in but two! Anyway I think that's all for the next day or two. I'm trying to get everything done in my life by Wednesday at midnight so I ca spend most of my time in Northrend and reporting to you guys, feel loved.
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