Hey all, Mio here, woo! what a night of Brewfest! Kegs as big as my fuzzy butt on Snowball. The best part is the fact that it's all free. Beer after beer for as long as you want it! If it wasn't for all the dwarves popping up every so often trying to drain our kegs dry it'd be so much better. That's why whenever I can I try to make it back to Brewfest every little while, if I have nothing better to do, to try and kick their butts back to Black Rock Depths. I have to say though I don't think I've had so much fun during a fight. Chugging down beer after beer and throwing the empty steins at their big fat heads. WOOOO Doggy that's gotta smart, the only thing that would be more fun then throwing empty steins at dwarves would be throwing them at gnomes! Anyway, I've been trying to beat these guys back all day for the daily but there are never enough people to fight them off.

At the beginning of the fight all is well and good, only a few drills here and there with a couple guys in them and you can knock them all out with just 1 or 2 other people and each camp a barrel but the longer the fight goes on, the more of them pop out of the ground and man do those guys hit hard. One of them knocked me into the outhouses! There are at least a couple hundred of them that pop up during the fight and all of today we've lost but you have to drink sooo much to try to keep up that Durotar ends up all wonky.

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