Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!

Monday, September 29, 2008
Really, all day?

Ok guys Mio is here and incredibly tired. So I just spent all day playing WoW. Where did the time go?! It's ok, I got a lot done. I ran the BRD Brewfest daily and saw the Swift Ram mount drop! First time I've seen it drop, I tried not to get my hopes up. I rolled an 80 yes! Oh, damn it! The tank rolled an 84 and he got it. I was so upset I almost wanted to cry out of frustration. You know the kind, where your eyes get red and hot and tear up to cool themselves down....I mean.....um...anyway. It was pretty much a PUG but I had Sarkos with me who rocked at healing. He got himself a healing trinket since he needs to update his gear. I got another broken bottle dagger and I'm thinking of going back to dual weilding but it would be a major downgrade from my Sonic Spear. I did get a new belt today though from comleteing the Arc key quest. I got the last key fragment for Kara and now just need to go attune it! I ran OHB with friends and then a Bot/Mech/ Arc run with a guild group that needed another DPS. I don't even want to know how many hours I spent playing today. At least 7 or 8, I really should have studied, but oh well, I've been trying to get my kara key for weeks but have never found an Arc group until today so I couldn't turn it down. So I'm gonna try and get a group for BM for the final attunement but from now on I'll probably play one of my many alts during the week when I don't have as much time so I don't neglect my studies.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Almost there

Hey everyone, Mio again. I bet at this point you're wondering to yourself, "This Blog is called Mio and Mal, but Mal hasn't posted anything. What's going on here?!" The simple answer is, is that Mal is a Grad student with a job. Meaning he works his butt off and doesn't have any time during the week to write something up for you people. So I guess you're stuck with me for now Muah Ha Ha Ha Ha! /Cough Anyway, I'm finally about Kara ready, my mana is a little low but a intellect gem should help with that, and I'd like my AP just a little higher but that's all I need. Sadly our guild is just a couple of our friends and I'm gonna have to do my first run with a PUG. That may either be very good, or very very bad. Technically I'm above all the the minimum requirements for Kara that I found for BM hunters but I'm scared about coming off looking like a huntard so I want to be extra careful and make sure I'm comfortable with my stats. I only have 1 green left and it's a trinket. Why haven't I replaced it yet? Because it's +22 hit and increases my AP by 140 for 15sec which is really good when I'm low on Mana and have to switch to AotV. But once I get my last piece of S2 gear I should be set, so I'll have to do a lot of BG's tomorrow and saturday to get it. But Elune save us I HATE that helm, it's usually never visible but I wanted to look really badass for the picture. I'm starting to feel like a real 70 now that I have my cool shoulders and I look kinda Epic and striek fear and awe into the hearts of the lowbies.
Anyway, it's time to introduce you all to my kitty Kainda. All my other pictures have Reptar in them, and while he's a good little dino I have a feeling he's going to get a MAJOR growth spurt come Novemeber 13th. Kainda is my baby though. She's been with me from thousand needles. It's just really sad petemote seems to insist that she's a boy. I must fix that, cause she is my pretty little girl. So anyway I'm hoping to do my first run on Sunday. I really wish I could do it with friends but none of them are 70 yet /grumble. And hopefully Kainda will be a real girl by then.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Night at Brewfest

Hey all, Mio here, woo! what a night of Brewfest! Kegs as big as my fuzzy butt on Snowball. The best part is the fact that it's all free. Beer after beer for as long as you want it! If it wasn't for all the dwarves popping up every so often trying to drain our kegs dry it'd be so much better. That's why whenever I can I try to make it back to Brewfest every little while, if I have nothing better to do, to try and kick their butts back to Black Rock Depths. I have to say though I don't think I've had so much fun during a fight. Chugging down beer after beer and throwing the empty steins at their big fat heads. WOOOO Doggy that's gotta smart, the only thing that would be more fun then throwing empty steins at dwarves would be throwing them at gnomes! Anyway, I've been trying to beat these guys back all day for the daily but there are never enough people to fight them off.

At the beginning of the fight all is well and good, only a few drills here and there with a couple guys in them and you can knock them all out with just 1 or 2 other people and each camp a barrel but the longer the fight goes on, the more of them pop out of the ground and man do those guys hit hard. One of them knocked me into the outhouses! There are at least a couple hundred of them that pop up during the fight and all of today we've lost but you have to drink sooo much to try to keep up that Durotar ends up all wonky.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Brewfest is here!
All hail Brewfest! This has to be the BEST in game event of the year. Well, I haven't been playing for a full year yet, but I've been looking forward to this since I started playing many months ago. There is one thing I am very sad about though, and that's the mount, the Brewfest Rams. Now, when I first started playing I started two characters, Mio and an unnamed Dwarf that I use for cat smuggling, the whole reason I chose the dwarf (besides comparing Horde and Alliance) is because I loved the ram mount. After the first 15 levels I realized I hated playing alliance and switched entirely to Horde. While it was good for my mental health not being surrounded by underage twerp calling me a Noob because how dare I not know the answer to everything and getting called a fag. Now I know that's not everyone's experience, but it's been mine each time I gave alliance another try. But the one thing I was really sad about giving up was the Ram mount which has to be my favorite racial mount in the game. You can only imagine my joy at finding out that Brewfest had Ram mounts that you could purchase. Yeah they take 600 tickets but I was willing to put in the work for one.
Flash forward to the present, Brewfest is here! And I am Rarin' to go and plow through to get 600 tickets to get my mount. Except wait..they're giving out tokens instead of tickets....ok that's cool a minor change, but wait, where are the mounts? I'm looking through the vendor and I don't see a ram!!! At this point I'm just pissed, I want that mount! Ok ok ok, at least there is the new quest for 70's taking on a boss in BRD and when you defeat him the boss just might drop /groan. Ok so on the off chance that the mount MIGHT drop I have to roll 5 other people for it? And their are 2 mounts that might drop and I only want the ram! All I have to say is thank Elune or whoever there is to thank, that Brewfest is so long and I may get up to 5 chances a day to get it for the entirety of Brewfest. Oh well....at least I got my awesome little Wolpertinger to follow me around and that's good for now.
Flash forward to the present, Brewfest is here! And I am Rarin' to go and plow through to get 600 tickets to get my mount. Except wait..they're giving out tokens instead of tickets....ok that's cool a minor change, but wait, where are the mounts? I'm looking through the vendor and I don't see a ram!!! At this point I'm just pissed, I want that mount! Ok ok ok, at least there is the new quest for 70's taking on a boss in BRD and when you defeat him the boss just might drop /groan. Ok so on the off chance that the mount MIGHT drop I have to roll 5 other people for it? And their are 2 mounts that might drop and I only want the ram! All I have to say is thank Elune or whoever there is to thank, that Brewfest is so long and I may get up to 5 chances a day to get it for the entirety of Brewfest. Oh well....at least I got my awesome little Wolpertinger to follow me around and that's good for now.
Who we are and why we're here
Hello to everyone who has stumbled across our blog, Mio and Mal. The bloggers consist of Miorbhuil (pronounced Meer-will) or Mio for short, and Malrey. Mio, a Tauren hunter and Malrey, an Orc rogue. Together we run a guild, Leather and Lace, open to people of all genders and sexual orientations for Drenden server in World of Warcraft, Horde side. Some of te guildies that'll be mentioned the most are Sparkos, the Healadin, Kiho the Warlock and Kanday the Druid. The blog is mostly written by myself, Mio, about what's happened in the game, as well as random WoW related ramblings, some guild events that we're opening to everyone, with others making guest appearences. I don't claim to be an expert on the game, in fact far from it. Instead the blogs most imfomative parts will most likely be how one of use screwed up and how we won't do it again or how I just tried something for the first time and how it worked out. Also between us we have about 5 lowbie alts that we're going to level to certain points. Some will be twinks, while other are trying to reach endgame. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog!
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