Lately, Mio and I (Mal, obviously) have been trying our hands at some old world dungeons, along with the help of our good friends Ranoe and Luminaya. Ranoe is surely handy to have around, since he tanks with his big bear face and all, and we know we can always trust Luminaya to heal us no matter the situation. Since we hit level 60 long after our people had made their way into Outlands, Mio and I had never had a chance to fight in any of these dungeons before.

First, we fought that legendary dragon, Onyxia. I knew of other fighters of the Horde who had bested her before, and had heard the tales of her terrible strength, so I braced myself as the four of us snuck into her lair. Little did I know that with the four of us at level 80, she would fall within only a few minutes! I managed to steal one of her teeth and put it on a pendant as a trophy, though these days it's not nearly as powerful as it would have been back in the good old days.

Our next old-world mission was to sneak into Molten Core through Blackrock Depths, so Mio could tame a corehound. He has always loved corehounds, and waited hours and hours to tame the Kurken, that unique corehound in far-away Azuremyst Isle, the first moment he was able to. Unfortunately, he had to let his first corehound go, but he found himself wanting some two-headed companionship once again. This time, instead of the fluffy puppy of doom, he wanted the drooling dog of fire. The giants in Molten Core were surprisingly strong, testing our four level 80 abilities in a dungeon that used to require a team of 40 well-geared fighters, but we found a giant fiery corehound after only a few minutes. Mio brought it to him and worked his magic like only a hunter can. The next thing we knew, the giant dog had shrunk down to pet size and was ready to pant behind Mio and follow him wherever he went. Mio was so proud! He named the corehound Houlihan after Hot Lips Houlihan that he heard about as a child. I don't think the original Houlihan had fire streaming from her mouth, but what do I know?